Destiny 2 Arc Configuration. Destiny 2's new zero hour mission has an elaborate puzzle hidden in its final stages. We recommend using console 2 and console 3 this time around since they have the fewest duplicates. is the internet home for bungie, the developer of destiny, halo, myth, oni, and marathon, and the only place with official bungie info straight from the developers. Am a hunter how do i achieve this?? I need to complete this mission but need arc ability kills.
You have to do the zero hour quest on heroic
Destiny 2 is a registered trademark of bungie. How to complete arc configuration puzzle, hero hour. is the internet home for bungie, the developer of destiny, halo, myth, oni, and marathon, and the only place with official bungie info straight from the developers. #voidconfiguration #arcconfiguration #solarconfiguration how to solve the void configuration quest!